The primary advantages of the integrated heat process (using the CWP and Phoenix dialysis machines) are an automated, chemical free, and end-to-end circulation of hot water through the distribution loop, inlet water hoses, and machines. In this update the author provides information about how to configure the CWP and the Phoenix dialysis machine to perform the integrated heat process.
Gambro supplies the CWP PM procedure and PM checklist with each of its CWP PM kits. This update provides a copy of the procedure and checklist, in case you need an extra one. In addition to performing a PM service on the CWP, this document also includes maintenance and checkout procedures for the pre-treatment and post-treatment devices in your water treatment system.
In this update the author provides a list of quick visual checks for CWP systems. By verifying these items each time the system is serviced or inspected, it may be possible to detect and prevent future problems. Pre-treatment and post-treatment components are included in the list.
Membrane replacement will become necessary at some time during the life of any RO system. This update defines the conditions under which membrane replacement is required, the correct procedure for the replacing membranes and a list of the tools needed to do the job.
Do you need to re-install or upgrade the software in the MAC 50 operator panel and/or the PLC. In this update the author lists the various steps and cautions required to properly perform the program installation.
The standard cleaning procedure for the CWP can be time consuming. This update describes an abbreviated procedure that can be quickly performed at the end of the treatment day. It is intended to be done as a maintenance cleaning and in cases where there is minimal loss of membrane performance but a cleaning is desired.
Some Chemical Proportioning Pumps for the CWP are being shipped with a 3-prong plug on the line cord. This plug is not required and needs to be removed. This update takes you through modifying the line cord with the 3-prong plug and then installing a new proportioning pump.
Spring Forward, Fall Back. Daylight Savings Time used to be easy, till the folks in charge changed when it goes in and out of effect. Now we need to modify our machines manually. This update helps you do that.
In this update the author presents information for setting the overload protector for the main RO pump in the CWP. This information is useful when replacing the RO pump or the MCS1 overload device, as well as for troubleshooting power problems related to motor overload conditions.
In the past, if the micro-switches on Motor Valve 138 failed the only option was to replace the entire assembly. Now we have a new option. This update presents the release of the micro-switches as a spare part along with a procedure for installing them on your machine.
The remote control function allows the CWP to be operated from a remote key panel. Though the Remote Control function is not currently utilized in the U.S. market, the feature is supported by the software. Through a simple error the Remote function can be inadvertently enabled. Disabling the feature requires a jumper where the remote key panel would normally be attached. This update details a possible cause of the issue and the steps to take to address it.